Monday, August 11, 2014

Another slow shift in the Game Room

Today as I was changing in the dressing room Bethany was telling someone about the Kilt Girl that didn’t tip her. Agh that sucks but that was a few days ago, girl let it go!

I was in the Game Room by myself and it was dead like normal. At least it was an improvement from before where there were 3 servers in the Game Room in the day with no customers. Brownie was in there doing some sort of paperwork so I talked to her for a little bit. Most of the trainers had already left but she was still here because we needed the help. Brownie had the coolest job; she traveled quite often to open new Tilted Kilts all over the country. She said that we were one of the biggest ones she had opened in terms of space and of staff numbers.
Brownie was a lot older, probably 38 or 39. In fact I don’t know how much longer she could realistically pull off being a Kilt Girl. She seemed to me like someone who had worked in sales for a major company and gotten laid off with the recession so had used those sales skills for the Tilted Kilt and quickly got promoted to trainer. I figured she’d probably end up working for corporate Tilted Kilt as her next step or going back into sales.

I was pretty much a second runner with Krissa.  It helped her out because the other servers were still being lazy asses as well as gave me something to do.  I also spent my time shooting hoops with some of the other girls who had absolutely nothing to do either.  I got a chance to talk to Cindy more.  She told me she had moved to our city specifically to work at the Tilted Kilt because the branch she worked at had closed.  Because it took so long for the restaurant to open she actually got a job at Hooters to pay her bills. Corporate made her quit when they found out because I guess she was under some sort of promotional contract and it was considered a conflict of interest.  I was really curious about the differences of the two brestaurants.  Cindy said that she made around the same money, maybe slightly more at the Tilted Kilt but she liked working there a lot better because she thought the girls were nicer and the managers more laid back.  She said Hooters really sucked in the way that the managers were extremely pushy on selling merchandise to your tables and you could get in trouble if you didn’t sell a certain amount.  I was mostly interested in how the dressing room compared.  She said it was actually around the same it’s just there were 1 million girls in ours at the same time so it seemed very small. 

I learned that that Belinda and Faith were chosen by corporate as calendar hopefuls. Belinda was very surgically enhanced and probably tanned every other day. She was extremely attractive and exuded sexiness and calendar girlness. Faith was pretty but not the type you’d ever think twice about being in a calendar. There were many other girls especially Avery who I would have thought would have been chosen over her. I kinda wished Faith would get chosen because she was the underdog but if they could only pick 1 from a store there would be no way she would beat out Belinda. The calendar hopefuls had their pictures on the website so the general public could vote. So it was sort of a popularity contest and I even saw Belinda working it telling people at the bar to get on the website and vote for her.

Tara was the only server in the patio and Anastasia had the fireplace.  Since no one went in either section Theresa had me take over their sections and had them organize the costume room.  They categorized all the bras, shrugs, and skirts according to size which took forever because the current state was such a mess.  It looked like a tornado of bras had hit the room.  It was a good idea to have someone organize and I’m
surprised no one thought of it earlier.   Everything was so out of order people had to rummage through all the bras to find their size and it slowed everyone down getting ready.  It took them almost 2 hours to complete the job.  They finished about the same time I did so we decided to stay and eat.  This time I got the Tilted Gilt which was a warm chocolate chip cookie topped with ice cream and chocolate sauce.  I’m glad I got it because I will mention this to every single table.  It’s so good!

Again I had no tables the whole day and made 0. I hope after today they’ll redo the floor plan and not schedule people for day shifts in the game room, fireplace, and patio. If a patron really wanted to sit any of those sections of complete barrenness a server from the main dining room could take that table. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of girls drop out of this place. I mean we were constantly told before opening they’d make tons and tons of money and now most people are looking around thinking wtf? I think it was very irresponsible of Theresa to tell young impressionable girls some who had just turned 18 and this was their first job that that they could make $400 a night. I don’t know how you’d possibly make $400 at a place like this. Sure at the Tilted Kilt you sit and flirt and might get higher than the standard 15%-20% tips but I don’t think you’d make more here than you would at a popular chain restaurant like The Outback, Cheesecake Factory, PF Changs, Applebee’s, etc. In fact I think you’d make more money at any of those places with a lot less bullshit.

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