Sunday, August 3, 2014

Second Day on the Floor

Today I got here a half hour to avoid the overcrowded dressing room.  It didn’t matter because there were so many other people doing the same thing and so it was just as busy.   I actually made it just in time.  Theresa snapped at the girls that got there 15 minutes early that they were late.  It annoys me that I have to come so early and not get paid for 30 minutes because we weren’t allowed to clock in until after uniform checks.

Uniform checks too forever again because there were so many people in line.  I was standing behind bartenders Christy and Trisha and overheard them complaining at how they had been there last night until 6am.  I’ve talked to Trisha before during training and she’s one of those girls who complains all the time about everything.  I get her point here though because 6am is a ridiculous time to get out since they closed the doors at 2am.  Why does it take 4 hours to close?  It’s not like they are mopping up the floors of the restaurant.  Trisha said it was something like the managers took forever counting all the money and then there were problems with the computers, etc ,etc.  Christy the other bartender was more vocally subdued but you could tell she was irritated as well.  Christy was very tall and completely stunning.  She looked like a high fashion model straight from the catwalk in NYC.   She was just one of those people that no matter how hot you thought you were you would feel ugly standing next to her.  She was extremely nice and almost a little shy.  It turns out that she had just graduated from college and had gotten hired with her best friend for fun but her ultimate goal was to move to LA to become a model/actress.

Despite the fact it was a weekend night it wasn’t that busy.  There were more Kilt Girls than customers. Since it was slow at first and I didn’t have any tables I went up to other people’s tables to chat.  I found it easier to go up to tables if I had a partner so I did that a couple of times with Kayla, Avery, and this new girl Mindy.  Mindy had just got hired, I think she really only attended 2 days of training.  There were so many new girls that Theresa had just hired and I had never seen before.  I’m not sure how they caught up with training up but I guess as long they passed the test it was fine.  I thought it was unfair to the girls who had waited around forever for the restaurant to open and then gotten cut.  I later heard that Erika (one of the people I had met at the photo shoot) was cut as well as this girl Randy who actually came into the restaurant to eat because she was friends with Alexi.  I never previously met Randy in person but I knew exactly who she was because she had been the most vocal person on the Facebook page. She was one of the ones that posted so much it was almost annoying always saying, “I’m so excited for the opening!!, I can’t wait to meet everyone!!, this is going to be so great!!!”  I thought it was weird she was there.  If I was cut I’d probably be, “screw you I’m not putting money into your establishment.”

Most of the guests I met at the tables were a lot older.  This particular Tilted Kilt was near a college so I had always imagined there would be droves of college students but I didn’t see too many unless they were friends with the staff.  It was mostly older couples and families.  The Kilt’s food wasn’t expensive but I guess for college students it wasn’t cheap either.  College students want to go someplace where they can get $1 tacos with a doorman that is lax about fake IDs. 

I hung out a little bit with Tara at one of her tables where an older couple who were the dry cleaners for the Tilted Kilt sat.  Since the company was so secretive about the uniform they didn’t want us taking it home.  During training we learned something like there was a patent on the pattern of the kilt. I guess corporate didn’t want girls selling it on ebay.  I vaguely remember management mentioning something about the dry cleaning cost being taken out of our paycheck.   The lady from the couple said we were all very pretty and was concerned about how we walked to our cars that night.  The Tilted Kilt is the first place I’ve ever worked that has a security guard escort each and every girl to their car.  It’s a good idea, the parking lot is not that far but you never know.

This night I was stationed in the Game Room which had a pool table, pinball machine, and a basketball game. It was better suited for drinks or appetizers because the tables were  really small and the room could get very loud.  Lindsey’s friend  Jorge came in my section and we played pool and basketball for
awhile.You could really just hang out at work and get away with not really do anything if it was slow.  Jorge was this gregarious flamboyant gay guy, he reminded me of a Hispanic version of Jay Alexander on America’s Next Top Model. He said he would soooo loooove to work there but he couldn’t because he was a guy.  Technically they do hire men but not as Kilt Girls.   Guys could be bartenders but unlike a Kilt Girl you needed a lot of experience.  I don’t think the Tilted Kilt would ever change but if they wanted to they could have male servers as well.  Guys can also entertain with sex appeal, not everyone is attracted to women and just looking at the crowd here the majority wasn’t groups of guys at all.  Just put a bunch of hot guys in Kilts and see what happens.  If a group of guys comes in and wants a female server they can always request someone else.  I’m sure the next breastaurant that comes out will do something like this.  Women and gay guys have just as much spending power nowadays. 

This night I didn’t make that much money either.  I’m sure once I get bigger sections things can change.  I hope so because as of now it’s not worth it to hang out at tables all night and not make money.  At least I had a lot more fun this night.  Working on the floor reminded me a lot of sorority rush.  You always had to be peppy and energetic all day long without a break.  You had to engage dozens of strangers with interesting and upbeat conversations.  You always had to make sure you looked hair and makeup looked perfect and your face hurt at the end of the day from smiling the whole time.

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